

At Trinity Road our aim is to provide children with an inspirational Science curriculum which offers them the opportunity to learn the skills they need for carrying out their investigations, including questioning, observing, sorting and classifying, recording, and analysing, whilst also developing a greater understanding of the world.


The Science curriculum covers a wide range of themes and our lessons are planned using the associated progression of skills documents to ensure that each year group is building on and developing the skills that have been taught previously while in the previous year groups.

Each year group explores one Science theme per half term, depending on the focus being taught. However, the children in Key Stage Two follow a two year rolling programme due to the classes being made up of a mix of children from two year groups, meaning that the children will sometimes need to be working on their partner year groups’ topics rather than their own year group’s specific focuses.
These themes enable the children to learn about and to respect the world (both locally and globally) around them, and helps them to understand how they, themselves, are a part of an environment and belong in it, together with the plants and animals in the associated habitats.
Science also helps children to learn about the variety of materials we use and from the evidence gathered from their investigations, gain an understanding of the reasons why we use these materials, as well as respecting the need to use them safely or to dispose or recycle them responsibly.

During our lessons, children not only learn the focused scientific skills for that theme, but also a range of generic Science skills such as: how to work together as a team, to share ideas and roles, in order to achieve.
These achievements can be in the form of:

  • new understanding gained by listening to and respecting the ideas of others, even though these views may differ to their own,
  • observing the whole process of an investigation,
  • having the evidence to show or justify their results.

The children will also be learning about how science is not a subject to be learned in isolation but has links with the other curriculum areas they are learning about and with many of our specific topic themes.

Photo gallery

Here are some photographs of learning taking place within Science across the school.