The Friends of Trinity is the name by which our school’s PTA is known. We exist primarily to plan an annual series of events which brings the school and local community together, showing the children that they are part of an establishment to be proud of.
Events vary from year to year and have included: School Discos, Easter Trail and Book Fairs to name a few. Each year ,we have two main fundraising events which are the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete – these include the whole school and are great family fun.
Surplus funds are donated by the Friends of Trinity to the school to benefit the children directly, socially, culturally and educationally. Historically, the Friends of Trinity has funded annual whole school excursions to Christmas pantomime, London Theatre Trips, playground equipment, playground markings and additional literacy and art materials in support of those provided by the school; amongst many other things.
The Friends of Trinity also fundraises for charitable purposes and local and national charities benefit each year from our activities.
The Friends of Trinity are registered with Amazon Smile and EasyFundraising; automatic ways for you to raise money for the school every time you shop, at no cost to you.
As a registered charity responsible to a board of trustees, the Friends of Trinity has an elected committee, who with the help and support of dedicated parents within the school, organise the events.
All parents automatically become members of Friends fo Trinity when their children join the school. If you would like to take a more active role either at an event or with behind-the-scenes planning, please make yourself known to one of the elected committee either by contacting us on our community Facebook Page Friends of Trinity-PTS, emailing us at or by leaving your contact details with the school’s front office.
Examples of how you can help include: asking businesses for raffle donations, asking your employer to choose Friends of Trinity as their chosen charity for the year, helping out at a coffee morning, labelling tombola prizes, designing an event poster and many more; there’s something for everyone and you will always be welcome.
We are always very grateful for any help offered and suggestions for future events are much appreciated, because together we can achieve more.